
New Arena for Downtown L.A.

* Re “L.A.’s Leaders Have Got to Pull Together on This One,” editorial, Aug. 12:

The impact a new sports and entertainment arena will have on downtown Los Angeles will be dramatic from both a social and economic standpoint. It is necessary to create a united front, to make the arena a reality, and it is not impossible.

The Los Angeles Marathon is the perfect example of how various forces in this city can come together to stage an event for the good of downtown. The move of the marathon to downtown for the 1996 race in March was supported by business entities, political leaders and social and charitable agencies alike. The result was the most successful L.A. Marathon in its 11-year history and a much-needed economic boost for the hotels and retail businesses downtown. It is time we unite as we did for the L.A. Marathon and move forward on the new arena.


Board President

Downtown Marketing Council

Los Angeles

* Somebody needs to inform the L.A. Kings owners that dealing with the city of L.A. and other government agencies is a losing proposition. They have a long history of making promises that are never fulfilled. Broken promises are what led to the Rams and the Raiders leaving the Coliseum for greener pastures. Former Lakers owner Jack Kent Cooke couldn’t get any improvements done at the Sports Arena, so he went to Inglewood and built the Forum.


If the new arena is to be opened in time for the 1999 season, then it will have to be built in Inglewood. The city of Inglewood has been a reliable and responsible municipal partner with the Forum for a long time. Its good track record speaks for itself. The opening of the 105 Freeway has made it easier and quicker to get to the Forum. And it shouldn’t be up to sports teams to help revitalize downtown L.A.


