
A Few Handy Tips for Keeping Counter-Top Appliances Tip-Top

From Associated Press

Counter-top appliances will operate more efficiently and last longer with care and maintenance. Here are several common appliances and the care they need to give better service:

Toaster Oven

Toaster ovens are heavily used appliances that are often inadequately maintained. Unplug the appliance, open its crumb tray and use a new, clean, half-inch-wide paintbrush to sweep crumbs and debris out of it. Next, check its plug, especially if the appliance is several years old. To do this, run the oven through a toast cycle (empty) three times and check the plug and cord to see if they are hot. If they are, have the cord and plug replaced.

Can Opener /

Knife Sharpener

Combination can opener/knife sharpeners give good service with a little maintenance. Inspect the can opener blade for food particles after using it, and clean it if necessary. Oil the blade shaft with one drop of Three-in-One Oil.


Examine the opener’s drive gear and clean it if you find bits of paper or food on it. Debris on the gear’s teeth causes the can to slip while it is being cut, resulting in a partially cut lid.

Vacuum out the slots in the knife sharpener with an upright vacuum crevice tool attachment or a shop vacuum and crevice tool. You can also blow metal particles out of the slots using a can of compressed air.

Pressure Cooker

A pressure cooker is a simple appliance, with few parts, but it requires careful use and inspection to ensure that it works well and safely. Don’t cook foods in it that foam (such as pastas) because foam residue can plug the air vent. Check that the air vent tube is clear before using the appliance. Run a pipe cleaner through it to remove obstructions. The sealing ring and pressure plug should be washed regularly to ensure they are free of residue, and the sealing ring groove should be gently scrubbed clean with a small brush.


Drip Coffee-Maker

A drip coffee-maker, especially those used in hard-water areas, should be cleaned regularly using a coffee-maker cleaner. Also, remove and wash the grounds basket immediately after each use to prevent coffee residue from leaving a film that hardens over time. This is especially important for drip coffee makers with an automatic shut-off assembly below the basket. With these machines, it’s important to rinse off the stopper or stopper-lever assembly. Operate it by hand to be sure it’s clean and free of residue that could cause it to stick.


The most common mistake people make with blenders is running them on a recently washed counter that has puddles on it. These appliances have motor vents underneath the base. If you set them over a puddle, they’ll pull in water along with the air stream, and this will ruin the motor.

Otherwise, maintenance on these machines is simple. Keep the jar assembly and cap clean. If you wash the assembly by hand, assemble the appliance after it is washed and run it for a couple of minutes to spin water off the cutter.


Finally, these machines are frequently used to make crushed ice. Check the manual for the correct procedure. Many manufacturers recommend adding a cup of water to the ice and adding ice in small batches until you have all that you need. Crushing a full load of ice at once is liable to damage the cutter and the motor.
