
Airport Can Obtain Site in 90 Days

A Superior Court judge ruled Wednesday that in 90 days the Burbank Airport governing board may take possession of an 130-acre site owned by Lockheed Martin Corp., although a sale price for the property remains undetermined, airport officials said.

The Lockheed Martin site is where airport officials plan to build a controversial passenger terminal.

Lockheed Martin, which expects about $100 million for the property, did not oppose the 90-day order, officials said.


Airport officials, who in August filed to acquire the property through condemnation, last month deposited $39 million at Superior Court in their ongoing attempts to buy the property. The lawsuit was filed last summer after Lockheed rejected the airport’s offer to buy the land for $3 million--$39 million minus $36 million in estimated cleanup costs.

Both sides expect a judge will ultimately determine the sale price.
