
Celebrations Planned for Cinco de Mayo

From strolling mariachis to picnics on the beach, Cinco de Mayo celebrants in Ventura County will have a broad menu of events and locations to choose from over the weekend.

The holiday celebrations, which commemorate the Mexican army’s victory over French soldiers in the 1862 Battle of Puebla, will begin Saturday at Ventura Harbor Village.

The eight-piece salsa band Nuestro will play a blend of Latin jazz on the deck of Harbor Village from 1 to 4 p.m.


On Sunday, the Colonia Coalition Against Drugs and Alcohol will sponsor a daylong event at Oxnard’s Del Sol Park with ballet folklorico performances, a karate demonstration and mariachis. Beginning at 11 a.m., visitors can sample free food and take advantage of free health and social services. For more information, call 483-3500.

From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, West Park Community Center in Ventura will host an alcohol-free event featuring a soccer tournament, a cheerleading demonstration and bolero music. Children from Sheridan Way Elementary School’s Ballet Folklorico will also perform. For more information, call 648-1895.

A seaside afternoon celebration will take place at the Channel Islands Harbor Fisherman’s Wharf patio party. Beginning at 1 p.m. Sunday, Pacifico’s restaurant and KKZZ Radio will host an “Olvera Street” food fair, Los Coyotes strolling mariachis and Folklore Mexican dancers. Pete Oden, former lead vocalist for the Drifters, will perform at 3 p.m. For more information, call 985-9753.
