
Profiles of Courage and Remembrance

Every year they are fewer, the survivors who saw and felt and smelled the Holocaust. Even the youngest are in their 50s now, and to the oldest, time is doing what Hitler could not.

To preserve their stories, as indelible as the death-camp ID numbers tattooed on their forearms, a new book pays tribute to 92 of them.

“The Triumphant Spirit” (Triumphant Spirit Publishing), created by Denver-based photographer Nick Del Calzo, tells their tales in striking portraits and carefully chosen words. Del Calzo, a Gentile, was inspired to begin the project in 1991 after travels in Europe took him near Dachau and he decided to take a look.


Among his subjects is Leopold Page of Beverly Hills, whose story inspired the book and movie “Schindler’s List.”

Photographs from “The Triumphant Spirit” will be exhibited at the Capitol in Washington through Saturday as part of the annual Holocaust Days of Remembrance.

The book is available at bookstores or by calling (800) 888-4741. Samples of the photographs can be viewed on the World Wide Web at
