
Police Activities League Offers Free Lunch Program

The city’s Police Activities League (PAL) is sponsoring a free luncheon program for children 18 and under. The program runs through Aug. 29.

About 110 children are participating this year at two sites: the PAL Youth Center at 14th Street and Olympic Boulevard and the Virgina Avenue Park at 2200 Virginia Ave., said PAL Director Patty Loggins. Last summer, about 85 children participated.

The free program is an extension of the school lunch program, and is underwritten by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


“The Santa Monica School District prepares the meals and delivers them hot to our sites,” Loggins said. Recent meals have included pizzas, chicken nuggets, fries and barbecue beef sandwiches.

“No adults are allowed--if you’re 18 or over and bring your kids over, they have to wait outside while the kids eat,” she said.

“The idea of the program is that, just because summer comes and school is out, it doesn’t mean the kids aren’t hungry anymore,” Loggins said. The cost of each lunch is under $2, she said.
