
Show Inspires Altman, Belafonte Film Project

“Amos ‘n’ Andy” may join other vintage television series that have made the leap to the big screen.

Director Robert Altman and entertainer Harry Belafonte are developing a feature film paying tribute to both the radio and television versions of “Amos ‘n’ Andy” and examining the tradition of white comedians in blackface.

“Our idea right now is to make something like the Broadway show of ‘Bring in Da Noise, Bring in Da Funk,’ ” said Altman, referring to the musical that incorporates tap dancing in its examination of African American culture.


“Only instead of tap dancing, we’re going to do it with comedy,” Altman said. “It would not be a linear biographical piece. We’re using comedy as a metaphor for showing the development of racism in this country. People are afraid to touch the subject. It’s very dicey.”

He said the film would also look at the history of black comedians going back to Flournoy Miller and Aubrey Lyles of the 1920s, regarded as the predecessors of “Amos ‘n’ Andy.”
