

The Los Angeles Civic Center recorded 12.4 inches of precipitation in the 12 months that ended June 30. This is almost 2.6 inches below the average for the last 120 years.

Civic Center Seasonal Totals (July 1-June 30)

(In inches)

1877-78: 21.26

1878-79: 11.35

1879-80: 20.34

1880-81: 13.13

1881-82: 10.40

1882-83: 12.11

1883-84: 38.18

1884-85: 9.21

1885-86: 22.31

1886-87: 14.05

1887-88: 13.87

1888-89: 19.28

1889-90: 34.84

1890-91: 13.36

1891-92: 11.85

1892-93: 26.28

1893-94: 6.73

1894-95: 16.11

1895-96: 8.51

1896-97: 16.86

1897-98: 7.06

1898-99: 5.59

1899-1900: 7.91

1900-01: 16.29

1901-02: 10.60

1902-03: 19.32

1903-04: 8.72

1904-05: 19.52

1905-06: 18.65

1906-07: 19.30

1907-08: 11.72

1908-09: 19.18

1909-10: 12.63

1910-11: 16.18

1911-12: 11.60

1912-13: 13.42

1913-14: 23.65

1914-15: 17.05

1915-16: 19.92

1916-17: 15.26

1917-18: 13.86

1918-19: 8.58

1919-20: 12.52

1920-21: 13.65

1921-22: 19.66

1922-23: 9.59

1923-24: 6.67

1924-25: 7.94

1925-26: 17.66

1926-27: 17.76

1927-28: 9.77

1928-29: 12.66

1929-30: 11.52

1930-31: 12.53

1931-32: 16.95

1932-33: 11.88

1933-34: 14.55

1934-35: 21.66

1935-36: 22.41

1936-37: 23.43

1937-38: 22.41

1938-39: 13.07

1939-40: 19.21

1940-41: 32.76

1941-42: 11.18

1942-43: 18.17

1943-44: 19.22

1944-45: 11.59

1945-46: 11.65

1946-47: 12.66

1947-48: 7.22

1948-49: 7.99

1949-50: 10.60

1950-51: 8.21

1951-52: 26.21

1952-53: 9.46

1953-54: 11.99

1954-55: 11.94

1955-56: 16.00

1956-57: 9.54

1957-58: 21.13

1958-59: 5.58

1959-60: 8.18

1960-61: 4.85

1961-62: 18.79

1962-63: 8.38

1963-64: 7.93

1964-65: 13.69

1965-66: 20.44

1966-67: 22.00

1967-68: 16.58

1968-69: 27.47

1969-70: 7.77

1970-71: 12.32

1971-72: 7.17

1972-73: 21.26

1973-74: 14.92

1974-75: 14.32

1975-76: 7.22

1976-77: 12.31

1977-78: 33.44

1978-79: 19.67

1979-80: 26.98

1980-81: 8.98


1982-83: 31.25

1983-84: 10.43

1984-85: 12.82

1985-86: 17.86

1986-87: 7.66

1987-88: 12.48

1988-89: 8.08

1989-90: 7.35

1990-91: 11.99

1991-92: 21.00

1992-93: 27.36

1993-94: 8.14

1994-95: 24.35

1995-96: 12.46

1996-97: 12.40


Average 120 Years--14.98 inches

Source: National Weather Service
