
History of Slavery

Because I am fascinated by history, I found “Travels With Tom Jefferson” (June 22) interesting. I am, however, deeply disturbed by the journalist’s use of language, which downplays the horrors associated with the cruelest of institutions. Whether intended or not, the article reinforces the fallacious impression that enslavement of Africans was acceptable in the context of the times.

The author writes that Thomas Jefferson arrived in Tuckahoe in 1745 “held on a pillow by his beloved slave Jupiter.” And later: “Though a benign master who detested slavery, Jefferson nevertheless owned more than 100 slaves. . . .”

If we Americans whose ancestors came here willingly cannot or will not look at past evil, then I fear the only trip we’ll be taking is down that road so infamously paved with good intentions.



Newbury Park
