
City Awards Contract for Traffic Cameras

The city is entering the last phase of a $500,000 project to use video cameras at key intersections as an electronic aid to traffic management.

“The primary goal is to identify traffic congestion and accidents,” said city traffic engineer Paul Grimm. The information allows officials to then electronically alter street lights to speed traffic along, he said.

A contract was awarded this week to a La Mirada firm that will build the equipment and hopes to have it installed by February, Grimm said.


Cameras will record traffic conditions on two spots on Orangethorpe Avenue--at Valley View Street and Beach Boulevard--and at the intersection of Beach Boulevard and La Palma Avenue.

City Manager David A. Berger said a similar system in Virginia is linked directly to news programs, and residents here eventually may be able to watch for traffic jams on the local government cable channel.


Picture Points

Video cameras will help monitor traffic flow and aid city workers with other tasks.
