
Work Gives ‘Art’ Bad Name

Oh, please! To refer to Robert Gober’s assembly as “art” serves only to insult both those with talent and those with taste (“Articles of Faith for This World,” Sept. 9). Gober’s Virgin is nothing more than a timeworn device used by no-talent hacks who attempt to obscure the worthlessness of their effort with enough shock value that they hope will stifle criticism of their otherwise uninspired piece.

What next, Gober, a crucifix in a jar of urine? Oh, pardon me . . . that’s been done already, hasn’t it? Too bad. It would certainly serve as a fitting sequel and in line with your talent.

As for you, Christopher Knight, you have given Gober his 15 minutes. Now can you move on to something that uplifts the soul rather than forcing it to hide in shame under a sewer grate?



Aliso Viejo
