
Arts School Design Concerns Trustees

The Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Education was a little overwhelmed Monday by an architect’s conceptions of the campus of the $18.2-million Orange County High School of the Arts.

“I don’t know what to ask first,” said Trustee Del Clark. “To me, it looks a little overwhelming. . . It looks like the Getty Center.”

While trustees liked the staircases, landscaping and linear design of the buildings, they were concerned that if they fail to raise enough money to complete all four phases of the project, the school might look strange. They have raised about $5.4 million so far. If everything goes well, the first phase, a humanities and administration building, will be open early in 2000.


“That last piece [a two-story performing arts center] is so pretty, but that may not occur,” said Trustee Donna Artukovic. It may just end up being two of those pieces.”

Architect Fred Good said the campus is designed to be built as money becomes available.

“It’s a very flexible approach,” Good said.
