
Spiked Fence Will Be Altered to Protect Deer


A Sierra Madre homeowner has agreed to cover the spikes on a wrought-iron fence around her property that spurred a public protest after several deer impaled themselves. Chiropractor Helen Huber has agreed to allow a volunteer contractor to weld a top rail over the spikes, her attorney said Friday.

After a meeting Thursday between Huber and city officials, local contractor Bruce Goss volunteered to do the work for free.

“Everyone is cooperating to protect the deer,” said Huber’s attorney, Bart Ring. “Dr. Huber loves the deer. She is horrified at what happened.”


Goss, who is a neighbor, said it is better to address the problem than debate it. “We need to protect the deer. That’s why I’m going to do it,” he said.

The deaths of least five deer and subsequent protests have shattered the serenity of Sierra Madre Canyon, where deer and humans have long coexisted. In the foothills about 15 miles from downtown Los Angeles, deer trails meander across the canyon’s lawns and cottage flower beds.

Since March, four deer have impaled themselves on the fence, which was installed recently around Huber’s garden to keep her grandchildren safe and deer away from flower beds, animal control officials said. A fawn also died after being trapped beneath it.


Those deaths fueled a May 28 candlelight vigil outside Huber’s Sturtevant Drive home, and a petition with more than 150 signatures demanding the fence’s modification.
