
Introductory Night at Synagogue

The University Synagogue in Irvine will introduce the community to Reconstructionist Judaism at its “Intro Night” on Tuesday.

Rabbi Arnold Rachlis and congregants will discuss the synagogue’s history and philosophy at the informal gathering.

The synagogue, at 4915 Alton Parkway, is the only Reconstructionist congregation in Orange County.


Reconstructionism defines Judaism as more than a religion: it is an evolving civilization encompassing history, literature, art and music, land and language.

Adherents believe God is not experienced in supernatural terms, but as the power in the universe and within men and women that leads them to goodness, empathy and fulfillment.

Everyone is invited to the free event, which will be held at a member’s home in central Orange County. Refreshments will be served.


Call the synagogue office at (949) 553-3535 for directions and information.
