
The Polite Computer

Table manners seem to be waning, especially among younger generations. So it’s good to know there is a source of etiquette information online., run by Inc., a Nasdaq-listed company, consists of tutorials on subjects ranging from making beds to making pizza dough. Two of our favorite tutorials teach how to use chopsticks (“not the kind you play on the piano”) and how to set a table. The table lesson illustrates both basic and formal settings.’s “food and drink” category covers other troublesome topics, such as cleaning fish, boiling eggs, carving turkey, choosing a kitchen knife and opening and serving champagne. A free-membership area called “Learnlines” is a bulletin board for site users to post and answer even more dilemmas. Indeed, is a glimpse at our helpless lives; the site’s Top 10 tutorials include how-tos for things such as driving a stick-shift vehicle, washing a car, getting a close shave and juggling.
