
Burbank Airport

* Re “Safety First, Not Politics,” Valley Edition Editorials, Dec. 10.

The Times appears to have once again chosen sides in the ongoing Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport development issue. I would argue for careful consideration rather than another round of choosing sides.

It is important for The Times to recognize a few simple facts that the Airport Authority fails to take account of in its latest proposed move:

* The entire community is as dedicated to safety at the airport as the Authority. Both The Times and the Authority refer to the recent incident involving the skidding 737 for the purpose, apparently, of scaring residents and the city of Burbank into imprudent concessions. Enough with the scare tactics; let’s resolve this matter through compromise.


* The framework that The Times refers to with warm regard was deeply flawed and as unwise a piece of cobbling as we have seen in many years. It not only failed to address key concerns among the affected communities, it was sewn together with virtually no community input.

* The Authority has explicitly pledged to our communities, and to me personally as a representative of the community, that it will work with us, in the open, to achieve a settlement of the airport development issues. This proposed move has all the earmarks of another circumvention of the community’s interests.

Does the Authority really want to ambush the people to whom it just gave a pledge of honest dealing? I hope not.



Studio City

Residents Assn.

Board of Directors


Re “Airport Board Picks Alternate Terminal Site,” Dec. 5.

This is good news for the San Fernando Valley and North Hollywood and the commuters who take the train. The Amtrak station can be in the terminal as well. Hotels and parking structures will make the area look great. What’s Burbank’s loss is the Valley’s gain.


North Hollywood
