
Around the Yard

* Plant bulbs. Don’t forget those tulips and any other bulbs that are in the refrigerator. Time to take them out and plant.

* Buy berries. Because of the holidays, nurseries often have their best selection of berried plants at this time of year, so if you’re been thinking of adding the winter color of berries to your garden, now is the time to check out pyracantha, holly, cotoneaster, strawberry tree (Arbutus), native toyon and others.

It is an equally good time to plant these shrubs since soils are still warm enough for good root growth and winter’s rains are hopefully on their way.


* Plant ornamental cabbage and kale. So-called ornamental cabbage and kale are winter’s equivalent of summer’s coleus, being bedding plants that are grown strictly for their sometimes outrageous foliage. Japanese breeders in particular have been pushing the limits, so there are now quite a few kinds. Unlike coleus, however, they prefer full sun. Plant them in beds or containers, alone or with other winter bedding plants. They’ll make a splash for a long time since it is the long-lasting foliage--and not the flowers--that are decorative.
