
Literary Sleuth Points to Poetry Samples as Evidence

In a new book, “Author Unknown: On the Trail of Anonymous,” Vassar College English professor Don Foster challenges the authorship of the poem known worldwide as “The Night Before Christmas.” Foster concludes that an obscure New York poet, Maj. Henry Livingston Jr., is the author of “Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas,” first published anonymously in December 1823 and later credited to theology professor Clement Clarke Moore.

See what you think, based on Foster’s excerpts of writings from the two men * :

. . . Clust’ring cherries on the tree appear

At distance seen, all ripe and plump, and sound;

‘Tis not till gather’d, and examin’d near,

That many a canker’d blemish may be found.


Such gadding--such ambling--such jaunting about!

To tea with Miss Nancy--to sweet Willy’s rout,

New parties at coffee--then parties at wine,

Next day all the world with the Major must dine!”

* Moore wrote the first example, and Livingston wrote the second.
