
Residents, Speak Up on Base Plan

* Jean O. Pasco’s article on the former Tustin Marine base reuse plan (“Closed Tustin Base Still Faces a Long March to New Life,” Dec. 10) performed a valuable service in exposing some of the serious deficiencies in the plan’s environmental documents, which the Tustin City Council is rushing to approve.

Area residents should be concerned that the current development plan will exceed daily air quality standards for various dangerous pollutants by an astounding 1,200% to 3,100%. The plan calls for 4,061 additional housing units plus 738 acres of commercial development, which will generate more than 215,000 additional daily vehicle trips in the area. In addition, the plan calls for road improvements requiring massive amounts of money, the source of which remains unidentified.

Alternative plans that would generate less traffic and acceptable air quality were not even considered or evaluated in the environmental documents. And a project with such serious long-term consequences for the entire city and surrounding areas should not be sneaked or rushed through.


Powerful, wealthy developers and their lobbyists will win over the interests of local residents unless City Council members hear from enough local citizens.


