
Wen Ho Lee

Robert Scheer’s Feb. 8 commentary, “Why Was Lee Indicted, and Not Deutch?” reconfirmed what our organization has said all along. When Wen Ho Lee was arrested and indicted last October, the Chinese American Civil Rights Organization cautioned the government that Lee should be treated on the principle of equality and that the government must thoroughly investigate and prosecute with equal diligence anyone found to have committed similar crimes as Lee allegedly committed. CACRO proposed that an independent panel consisting of distinguished citizens investigate the entire national security operation.

So far, CACRO’s proposal has fallen on deaf ears. We guess Lee will continue to “sit in solitary confinement” as a “sacrificial lamb” and leading members of the “old-boy” club will continue to sit on the boards of directors of this country’s big corporations, despite the fact that some of them have violated similar laws.


CACRO, Monterey Park
