
Council Calls for LAPD Unit to Probe Police Crime

Prompted by the unfolding Rampart scandal, the City Council is calling on the Police Commission to consider setting up a special unit to investigate criminal wrongdoing by officers.

Under the current system, the department’s Internal Affairs Group conducts both administrative and criminal probes.

“The Internal Affairs Group is not structured to keep evidence from the two sides separate,” said Councilwoman Laura Chick, who introduced a motion, which passed 13 to 0 this week and calls for the special internal unit. “Information flows between the administrative and criminal sides. Each time this happens it becomes harder to successfully prosecute corrupt officers.”


For example, Chick said, during administrative hearings officers are not protected by 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination, and can be compelled to make statements. Those statements may inadvertently compromise the integrity of evidence gathered during criminal investigations in which 5th Amendment protection is constitutionally guaranteed.
