
‘Working With Welles’ to Launch TV Museum Seminar Series

Beverly Hills’ Museum of Television & Radio will kick off its spring-summer seminar schedule with “Working With Orson Welles,” a May 16 panel of Welles’ colleagues, including producer Norman Corwin and actors Rick Jason and Janet Leigh.

Additional seminars include “Cooking Up a Television Feast: A Conversation With Julia Child,” May 17; “Side by Side With Sondheim,” with performers of Sondheim’s musicals including Joanna Gleason (“Into the Woods”), May 24; “Directing the Prime-Time Drama Series” with panelists including Paris Barclay (“City of Angels”), Lesli Linka Glatter (“Freaks and Geeks”), Michael Pressman (“Chicago Hope”) and Thomas Schlamme (“The West Wing”), June 13; and “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman,” featuring writers and cast members including Louise Lasser and Greg Mullavey, June 20.

All panels will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m.; tickets are $10 per seminar.

Information: (310) 786-1091.
