
Trying to Restore Local Control

* Capistrano Unified School District Supt. James A. Fleming rightfully railed against the state scheme for redistributing education dollars (Letters, April 30).

Before the Irvine Unified district’s recent parcel tax measure, spokespersons for that district posited similar arguments.

When the state Supreme Court handed down its Serrano vs. Priest decision, which is what precipitated the current mess, left-wingers rejoiced.


They praised the court for boldly violating the separation of powers and legislating social justice from the bench. It seems things may have finally turned.

Maybe now left-wingers will listen to conservatives and libertarians who have been pointing out the evils of such schemes since the days of FDR. Maybe now they will understand why the old way was the only way to have any semblance of local control.

To have any hope of regaining local control in education, we need a constitutional amendment that nullifies Serrano. Are there any legislators in Sacramento willing to devolve power to the communities to do what is right and place such an amendment on the ballot? BRUCE CRAWFORD


Fountain Valley
