
Pair Charged in Mauling by Dog Want Trial Moved

A couple accused in the dog-mauling death of a San Francisco woman have asked a judge to move the trial out of the city.

Lawyers for Robert Noel and Marjorie Knoller told Superior Court Judge James Warren on Monday it would be impossible to get a fair hearing in San Francisco because of the “general tabloid coverage” and “political overtones” of the case.

Prosecutors said they will not contest the change-of-venue motion. A hearing was set for Sept. 14.


The husband-and-wife lawyers are charged with the Jan. 26 death of Diane Whipple, who was mauled by a Presa Canario dog, Bane, in her Pacific Heights apartment building.

Knoller faces charges of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. Noel is accused of involuntary manslaughter.
