
Cruel Shoes to Blame for Women’s Foot Pain

While fall fashion magazines feature the highest-heeled shoes and boots in many seasons, some women apparently aren’t willing to sacrifice style for foot health. According to results of an online survey sponsored by orthopedic associations, about 80% of women said their feet hurt. Of that group, 85% said they either changed shoes or limited how long they wore shoes that hurt their feet the most.

The survey found that 59% of women wear uncomfortable shoes for at least an hour each day, usually because they feel it’s required for work or because it’s fashionable.

Foot doctors have been saying for years that most women wear shoes that are the wrong size, have toes that are too pointy or heels that are too high. The most common consequences are calluses and heel pain, but ill-fitting shoes can also result in bunions, hammertoes, neuromas, ingrown toenails and stress fractures. The survey was conducted by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society.
