
Sending Jesse Jackson to Afghanistan

Re “Jesse Jackson Considers Taliban Meeting; U.S. Reaction Cool,” Sept. 28: Sending the Rev. Jesse Jackson to meet with the Taliban is a great idea. It will send a message to the rest of the world that we will try any peaceful means to reach our objectives. The Taliban, if it wishes to have this meeting, will have to cough up something or someone. It can’t let Jackson leave empty-handed. The administration can give Jackson a time limit--a week, 10 days--and that way Jackson will know and the Taliban will know that these talks cannot be dragged out.

We should try every means we have available to prevent warfare among the Afghan people, most of whom are being held prisoner in their own country. If, in the end, Jackson fails and does come home empty-handed, then it would strengthen world opinion to our side and we could then continue on our planned course.

Larry Margo

Valley Village
