
Teachers Call Caro Dedicated Volunteer

From Times Staff Reports

Socorro Caro was an affectionate mother and a dedicated volunteer--a woman who ran a weekly reading group at her sons’ school and helped with classroom parties.

That was the testimony Thursday from teachers of the three boys Caro is accused of shooting to death as they slept.

Two teachers from the Santa Rosa elementary school in Camarillo told the jury they saw nothing unusual in Caro’s behavior when she dropped off and picked up her children on Nov. 22, 1999.


Late that night, 11-year-old Joey, 8-year-old Michael and 5-year-old Christopher were shot with a .38-caliber handgun held against their heads. Their mother was found on her bedroom floor with a near-fatal bullet wound to the head. Charged with three counts of first-degree murder, Caro has pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity.

Caro’s attorneys hope to use the teachers’ testimony to support their argument that the boys were killed in a scheme planned by their father, Dr. Xavier Caro.

On Thursday, Sandra Tischler, who taught Michael and Christopher at various times, testified that Caro was “a very caring, wonderful mother to her children, and they loved her in return.”


Responding to a prosecutor’s question, she said her opinion had not been changed “in the least” by news accounts of Caro threatening her husband with a gun in front of their oldest son.

Testimony is to resume Tuesday.
