
Dershowitz on Trials for Accused Terrorists

Re “Is a Fair U.S. Trial Possible in Attacks?” Commentary, Oct. 2:

As usual, Alan Dershowitz is far more concerned about the rights of murderers than he is about justice. He attempts to make the case that the American people are unreasonable in their expectation that criminals should be punished for their acts. He believes that we are unfair when we complain that criminals all too often are allowed to go free because of clever lawyer tricks and technicalities. Dershowitz and his kind are too clever by half--they want us to believe that they are super-patriots because they are willing to defend the indefensible.

Trial lawyers have poisoned the well of justice with their own willingness to use any “procedure and tactic legally available,” not in the cause of justice but in the cause of getting their clients off. It is no wonder that most people would not trust turning Osama bin Laden over to a criminal court and giving him a high-priced lawyer. They know that justice is a “sometime thing” when it comes to Dershowitz and his trial lawyer buddies. Just ask Nicole Simpson.

Paul Derouin

El Segundo


Dershowitz complains about the public being furious at lawyers who defend the most despicable criminals, especially when all evidence shows they are guilty. If terrorists would be defended by every procedure and tactic available, then I believe that terrorists should not be tried in the U.S. I would much rather see a trial by international judges, however politically minded they may be.


Saul Mathalon

Woodland Hills
