
Environmentalists Want to Save Ballona

Re “High Court Upholds Ruling in Playa Vista Project’s Favor,” Oct. 2: I take issue with Peter Denniston’s statement that “this is a victory for genuine environmentalists who care about the wetlands.” I consider myself a genuine environmentalist, I care a great deal about the Ballona wetlands and I do not consider this a victory. Playa Vista and its token wetland restoration is not what most genuine environmentalists are working for.

This mega-project is simply a victory for developers. The city should be (but isn’t) working diligently to save as much of the remaining wetlands as possible, many more acres than are currently “saved.” The benefits would be enormous to the community.

Imagine 1,000 acres of open space in the city, with more than a token area of restored wetlands for birds and fish and native plants, with boardwalks for people to walk on and take in the beauty of nature and for children to experience a bit of how this area once was before it became a crowded city. Imagine a park nearby with picnic areas and play areas. Ballona is one of the last large open spaces we have. We must not let it be paved over. Developers can develop in other areas that need development or redevelopment. It is not needed at Ballona. The Playa Vista project is ill-conceived. We need to save Ballona as open space for the many, not sell it to the few.


Lorelyn Lewis

Santa Monica
