
Fridge Board Gives Baby-Sitter the Lowdown

Parents who normally find themselves scribbling last-minute instructions and emergency phone numbers for their baby-sitters can now make their lives a little easier--and their kids’ lives a little safer.

The Babysitter Center, a magnetized dry-erase poster, offers basic first-aid tips and space for emergency telephone numbers. The poster is free (except for postage) from the Council on Family Health, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to consumer health and safety.

The poster also serves as a reminder to remain calm during a crisis and immediately call for help, says Robert G. Donovan, president of the Council on Family Health. “Babysitters aren’t the only ones who can benefit from this ....The advice is also appropriate for parents, grandparents and siblings.”


Single copies of the Babysitter Center are available by sending a self-addressed, 80-cent stamped, 9-inch by 12-inch envelope to: Council on Family Health, “Babysitter Center,” PMB 422, 1155 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20036. Additional copies are available for $1 apiece. Groups may request up to 20 copies at no charge provided requests are addressed on the organization’s letterhead.
