
Draft Must Treat Citizens Equally

It appears likely that there will be a need to reinstate the draft. This time our congressmen and president should see to it that the draft is fair and straightforward. There should be no exemptions for anyone from whatever age group from which the draftees are selected. (Those with disabilities can still serve in some capacity.)

In the past, the only ones without a basis for an exemption were the poor, the workingmen and those unable to go to college or who lacked political connections. Let’s not send someone to war who is not privileged while the privileged stay home and get ahead by going to college, serving in the Legislature or doing some other safe job that gives them exempt status.

I can recall, after having served four years in the Army, starting college at a time when others starting were only 18 years old. Many of the kids I went to high school with had completed college. They had a big jump on the rest of us who served our country. They completed college sooner and got jobs sooner. Make no mistake, we must defend this great country, but let’s treat all of our citizens with equal respect when it comes to the draft.


Eugene Osko

