
Events at a Glance


Three more cases of exposure to anthrax are reported in New York. In Nevada, four of six Microsoft employees tested have no signs of exposure; the other two tests are still being conducted. The Bush administration sent its top officials out to the airwaves to assure Americans that the government has enough vaccine and other medicines to respond to what they called a clear case of bioterrorism.


As warplanes began a second week of attacks over Afghanistan, President Bush curtly rejected a new proposal from the Taliban regime to negotiate conditions for handing over Osama bin Laden. “There’s nothing to negotiate,” Bush said. “They’re harboring a terrorist. They need to turn him over.”


The insurance industry warns that without federal economic assistance, it can no longer provide coverage for catastrophes like the suicide airliner crashes that demolished the World Trade Center. And without coverage, much of the economy could come to a halt.



Some of the 700 people detained in U.S. jails as part of the investigation into the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks have endured beatings, have been denied access to lawyers and otherwise deprived of their rights, according to defense attorneys, civil rights organizations and some government officials.
