
Miss Information’s Guide to Auto Activities.

Coming Events


Azusa: Pizazz Car Show, presented by Azusa Eagles, open to vehicles from 1920s through ‘70s. Proceeds benefit Make-a-Wish Foundation. Eagles Lodge, 1603 San Gabriel Canyon Road. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (626) 339-7571 or (626) 334-6107.

Tujunga: Olde Town Street Faire Vintage Car and Motorcycle Show, open to pre-1973 vehicles. Presented by Merchants Assn. of Sunland-Tujunga and Sunland-Tujunga Rotary. Commerce Avenue at Foothill Boulevard. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (818) 353-6186.

Van Nuys: Fall Fling VI, all-Mopar “show ‘n’ shine” and parts exchange, presented by Chrysler Performance West. Woodley Park, 6350 Woodley Ave. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (818) 759-1779.



Buena Park: Silverado Days Car Show, open to customs, street rods, classics and special-interest vehicles. Presented by Cruise Night Productions. Peak Park, 7225 El Dorado Drive (at Knott and La Palma avenues). 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (714) 351-7919.

Huntington Beach: Das OCTO Fest, swap and display meet presented by Orange County Transporter Organization in celebration of VW buses and trucks. Transporter Garden, 7732 Talbert Ave. 8 a.m. (714) 848-5955.

Ventura: Ponies by the Sea, charity show presented by Tri-County Mustang Club. Ventura Harbor Village, Spinnaker Drive. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (805) 650-9246 or (661) 291-1781.
