
What YouCan Findat Libraries

The 32 libraries and special collections that contributed material to the exhibit “The World From Here” are open to the public, although some are by appointment only or require advance application from researchers.

Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, Margaret Herrick Library, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills. (310) 247-3020. Books, clippings, screenplays, posters and periodicals documenting the history of film as an art and industry.

Autry Museum of Western Heritage Research Center, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles. (323) 667-2000. Books, maps, photos and ephemera about the real and mythic American West.


Braille Institute Library Services, 741 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. (323) 660-3880. Braille and recorded materials.

California Institute of the Arts Library, 24700 McBean Parkway, Valencia. (805) 253-7887. Contemporary and historical materials about the performing and visual arts.

Cal State Long Beach, University Library, Special Collections, 1250 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 985-4087. Special collections include early printing, photos by Ansel Adams and Edward Weston, and rare editions and letters related to D. H. Lawrence, Robinson Jeffers, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Virginia Woolf and others.


Cal State Northridge, University Library, 18111 Nordhoff St.(818) 677-2832. Special collections on California history and tourism, human sexuality and women composers.

Center for the Study of Political Graphics, 8124 W. 3rd St., Suite 211, Los Angeles. (323) 653-4662. Mass-produced political posters.

Getty Research Institute, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles. (310) 440-7390. About 800,000 volumes with an emphasis in the arts and humanities.


The Huntington Library, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino. (626) 405-2100. About 5 million books, manuscripts, prints, photographs, maps and other materials ranging from 3500 BC to the present. Application required for reader privileges.

The Claremont Colleges:

* Denison Library, Scripps College, 1090 Columbia Ave.(909) 607-3941. Special collections on the history of women, Western Americana, rare books and fine printing.

* Honnold/Mudd Library, 800 N. Dartmouth Ave. (909) 621-8150. Primary materials about drama, politics, music and literature.

* Sprague Library, Harvey Mudd College, 301 E. 12th St.(909) 607-8920. Herbert Hoover history of science collection; aviation and aeronautical history.

* Seeley G. Mudd Science Library, Pomona College, 640 N. College Ave.(909) 621-8924. Science books, including the A. O. Woodford Library, a special collection of materials in the history of geology.

Long Beach Public Library, 101 Pacific Ave. (562) 570-7500. Pamphlets, clippings, recorded interviews, photos and maps about the history of Long Beach.


Los Angeles Public Library, 630 W. 5th St. (213) 228-7000. Extensive holdings on L.A. and California history; rare books; culinary books.

Loyola Marymount University, Charles Von der Ahe Library, 7900 Loyola Blvd., Los Angeles. (310) 338-3048. Los Angeles development; papers of public officials; more than 1 million postcards.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County:

* Research Library, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles. (213) 763-3388. More than 100,000 books on zoology, entomology and biology.

* Seaver Center for Western History Research, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles. (213) 763-3359. Materials about the history and exploration of the American West.

Occidental College, Mary Norton Clapp Library, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles. (323) 259-2640. Special collections in mystery and detective fiction, Western America, modern fiction, travel.

Otis College of Art and Design, Millard Sheets Library, 9045 Lincoln Blvd., Los Angeles. (310) 665-6930. Includes 1,000 artists’ books.


Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Library, 1500 N.College Ave., Claremont. (909) 625-8767. 40,000 volumes on botany.

Santa Monica Public Library, 1343 6th St. (310) 458-8600. Historic photos and postcards of Santa Monica and beach communities.

Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research, 6120 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. (323) 759-6063. Materials related to the labor, peace, social justice, civil rights, women’s, gay and lesbian movements.

UCLA campus:

* Department of Special Collections, Young Research Library. (310) 825-1201. More than 3 million volumes, including multiple special collections.

* Music Library Special Collections. (310) 825-1665. Scores, manuscripts, archives of popular music, film and television music.

* Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library. (310) 825-4836. Strong in Japanese, Chinese and Korean literature, religion and arts.


* The Elmer Belt Library of Vinciana, Arts Library. (310) 825-3817. Rare books on Leonardo da Vinci and materials in Renaissance studies.

* History & Special Collections, Louise Darling Biomedical Library. (310) 825-4904. Books, manuscripts and artifacts about biology and medical history.

* UCLA William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 2520 Cimarron St., Los Angeles. (323) 731-8529. Rare books and manuscripts, strong in English literature and history (1641-1800).

USC campus:

* Archival Research Center, Doheny Memorial Library. (213) 740-5946. Two hundred collections of manuscripts, correspondence, archives and artifacts.

* School of Cinema-Television Library, Doheny Memorial Library.(213) 740-3994. Books, periodicals, studio stills, personal papers.

Western States Black Research and Education Center, 3617 Montclair St., Los Angeles. (323) 737-3292. Books, photos, films and documents about African Americans.
