
Whatever Derek Wants, Derek Gets

The Broadway show “Damn Yankees” said it all. The present-day New York Yankees are truly bewitched. How else could a team down two games to none come back and beat the Oakland Athletics three in a row? How could Derek Jeter make that relay play? Only a warlock could create a scene like that.

Let’s face it, the Yankees are blessed with money players who, when the chips are down, all get together and put it on the line. They’re like the typical Bronx pool hall hustler who salivates when he sees some poor schnook come in the door. He throws the first two games to the guy and then when the stakes have doubled and re-doubled that’s when he slips the shiv into the unsuspecting guy. The guy walks out of the hall not knowing what happened to him.

Let’s not forget Joe Torre, whose eyes glare out at you from under his cap that say, “Hey, you want a piece of me? Come and get me!”


The Yankees are playing with the other teams like a cat plays with a mouse. When they get tired of playing around, zap, that’s the end of the game.

Stanley Eskin

Laguna Woods


OK, Plaschke, for once I’m in complete agreement with you. The prospect of another Yankee-Brave World Series is about as enticing as an hourlong line for a Dodger Dog.

Dan Epstein

Los Angeles
