
Coming up:

* Padres Contra El Cancer’s second annual El Sueno de Esperanza Gala will honor Nydia Rojas, Marco Antonio Firebaugh and Renan Almendarez-Coello Wednesday at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Tickets $300. Call (323) 669-5469.

* Habitat for Humanity-Los Angeles celebrates its 10th anniversary and honors the entertainment community at “Lights, Camera, Habitat,” to be held Thursday at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Tickets $750. Call (213) 975-9757.

* B’nai B’rith International will honor Charles S. Cohen with the Distinguished Humanitarian Award Thursday at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Tickets $300. Call (323) 692-1944.


* St. John’s Health Center will honor Martin Sheen at the ninth annual Caritas Award Gala Saturday at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Tickets $350. Call (310) 829-8423.

* The Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion will pay tribute to Ilene and Stanley P. Gold at its 25th anniversary gala next Sunday at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Tickets $500. Call (310) 201-5033 .


Information for Social Circuits can be directed to Patt Diroll in Los Angeles or Ann Conway in Orange County. Diroll is at [email protected]; Conway at [email protected], or (714) 966-5952.
