
The Dead

Here is the list of additional names added to the total of confirmed dead in the hijackings and terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This list, released since Oct. 12 by the Defense Department and the New York City coroner’s office, updates accountings that have appeared in The Times each Sunday since the Sept. 11 attacks. The number of those unaccounted for is now believed to be about 4,500.


Max Beilke

Angelene C. Carter

Sheila Hein

Molly McKenzie

Martha Reszke

Cecelia E. Richard

Meta L. Waller

Marvin R. Woods

World Trade Center

Paul A. Acquaviva

Daniel Thomas Afflitto

Emmanuel Afuakwah

Jeremiah J. Ahern

Joanne Ahladioti

Janet M. Alonso

Cesar A. Alviar

Tariq Amanullah

Kazuhiro Anai

Kermit C. Anderson

Yvette Anderson

Siew-Nya Ang

Patrick Michael Aranyos

Jack Charles Aron

Japhet J. Aryee

Michael E. Asher

Gregg Arthur Atlas

Robert J. Baierwalter

Brett T. Bailey

Tatyana Bakalinskaya

Paul V. Barbaro

Carlton W. Bartels

Guy Barzvi

Marlyn C. Bautista

Jane S. Beatty

Yelena Belilovsky

Nina Patrice Bell

Andrea Della Bella

Dominick J. Berardi

Anil T. Bharvaney

Gary Bird

Balewa Albert Blackman

Christopher Joseph Blackwell

Susan L. Blair

Richard M. Blood

Michael L. Bocchino

Martin Boryczewski

John Howard Boulton

Shawn Edward Bowman

Mark Francis Broderick

Richard Bruehert

Brandon J. Buchanan

Greg Joseph Buck

Patrick Joseph Buhse

Jesus Cabezas

Roko Camaj

Lisa B. Cannava

Louis A. Caporicci

Jonathan N. Cappello

Edward Carlino

William Otto Caspar

Leonard M. Castrianno

Richard G. Catarelli

Michael Joseph Cawley

Thomas J. Celic

Ana M. Centeno

Mark L. Charette

Alexander H. Chiang

Dorothy J. Chiarchiaro

Luis Alfonso Chimbo

Peter A. Chirchirillo

Catherine E. Chirls

Kevin F. Cleary

Patricia A. Cody

Florence Cohen

Mark J. Colaio

Patricia Malia Colodner

Linda M. Colon

Sol E. Colon

Cynthia L. Connolly

John E. Connolly

Kevin P. Connors

Dolores Marie Costa

John Gerard Coughlin

James E. Cove

Denise Crant

James L. Crawford

Joanne Cregan

Lucy Crifasi

John Crowe

Welles Remy Crowther

Brian Thomas Cummins

Mary D’Antonio

Dwight Donald Darcy

Elizabeth Ann Darling

Michael Allen Davidson

Calvin Dawson

William T. Dean

Anna Debin

Paul DeCola

David A. Defeo

Vito Deleo

Danielle Delie

Colleen Ann Deloughery

Manuel J. DeMota

Christian D. DeSimone

Edward DeSimone

Robert P. Devitt

John DiFato

William J. Dimmling

Christopher Dincuff

Jeffrey M. Dingle

Ramzi A. Doany

John J. Doherty

Richard A. Dunstan

Lisa Caren Weinstein Ehrlich

Valerie Silver Ellis

Doris Suk-Yuen Eng

William J. Erwin

Patricia M. Fagan

John Joseph Fanning

Wendy R. Faulkner

Robert Fazio

Ronald C. Fazio

Francis J. “Frank” Feely

Sean B. Fegan

Jennifer Louise Fialko

Thomas Fitzpatrick

Joseph W. Flounders

Christopher Hugh Forsythe

Robert J. Foti

Virginia Fox

Kevin Joseph Frawley

Clyde Frazier

Lillian I. Frederick

Jamitha Freemen

Alan Wayne Friedlander

Clement Fumando

Richard S. Gabrielle

Pamela Gaff

John Patrick Gallagher

Cono E. Gallo

Vincenzo Gallucci

Giann F. Gamboa

Thomas Gambino

Jeffrey B. Gardner

Francesco Garfi

Boyd A. Gatton

Marina R. Gertsberg

Susan M. Getzendanner

Paul Stuart Gilbey

Martin Giovinazzo

Salvatore Gitto

Michael Gogliormella

Calvin J. Gooding

Kiran Reddy Gopu

Jon Grabowski

Christopher Michael Grady

Gilbert Granados

James M. Gray

Timothy Grazioso

Donald H. Gregory

Florence M. Gregory

Joan D. Griffith

Warren Grifka

Kenneth Grouzalis

Robert Joseph Gschaar

Yan Z. “Cindy” Guan

Janet H. Gustafson

Nizam A. Hafiz

Karen Hagerty

Steven Hagis

Richard Hall

James D. Halvorson

Frederic Kim Han

Valerie Joan Hanna

Kevin James Hannaford

Michael L. Hannan

H. Joseph Heller

Mark F. Hemschoot

Mary “Molly” Herencia

Gary Herold

Jeffrey A. Hersch

Clara V. Hinds

Tara Yvette Hobbs

James L. Hobin

Marcia Hoffman

Thomas Warren Hohlweck

Jonathan R. Hohmann

Matthew D. Horning

Aaron Horwitz

Charles J. Houston

Michael C. Howell

Steven L. Howell

Paul R. Hughes

William C. Hunt

Michael Patrick Iken

Daniel Ilkanayev

Louis Inghilterra

Kristin A. Irvine-Ryan

Waleed Iskandar

Virginia Jablonski

Yudh V.S. Jain

Francois Jean-Pierre

Paul E. Jeffers

Farah Jeudy

Luis Jimenez

Allison Horstmann Jones

Arthur J. Jones

Brian L. Jones

Linda Jones

Angel C. Juarbe

Howard L. Kane

Jennifer Lynn Kane

Charles Karczewski

William A. Karnes

Douglas G. Karpiloff

Charles L. Kasper

Richard M. Keane

Paul H. Keating

Joseph P. Kellett

Thomas Michael Kelly

Robert C. “Bob” Kennedy

Rajesh Khandelwal

Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim

Lucille T. King

Richard J. Klares

Karen J. Klitzman

Ronald Philip Kloepfer

Rebecca Lee Kobone

Dorota Kopiczko

Bojan Kostic

William Krukowski

Kui Fai Kwok

Neil K. Lai

Vincent A. Laieta

Stephen LaMantia

Mary Lou Langley

Hamidou S. Larry

Nicholas C. Lassman

Leon Lebor

Alan J. Lederman

Elena Ledesma

Juanita Lee

Stephen Lefkowitz

Kathryn Blair Lee

Lorraine Lee

Jorge Luis Leon

John D. Levi

Shai Levinhar

Ye Wei Liang

Thomas V. Linehan

Nancy Liz

Harold Lizcano

George A. Llanes

Michael W. Lomax

Laura M. Longing

Luis Lopez

Manuel L. Lopez

Stuart Seid Louis

James Ludley

Jin Lui

Alexander Lygin

James Francis Lynch

Louise A. Lynch

Richard Dennis Lynch

Michael J. Lyons

Noell Maerz

Thomas A. Mahon

Debora Maldonado

Gregory James Malone

Christian Maltby

Joseph Mangano

Sara Elizabeth Manlay

Marion Victoria Manning

James Maounis

Lester Vincent Marino

Jose J. Marrero

Brian E. Martineau

Paul Richard Martini

William A. Mathesen

Robert D. Mattson

Charles J. Mauro

Dorothy Mauro

Jennifer Mazzotta

Patricia A. McAneney

John McAvoy

Justin McCarthy

Scott Martin McGovern

Ann M. McHugh

Denis J. McHugh

Barry J. McKeon

Sean Peter McNulty

Anna Medina

Raymond Meisenheimer

Eskedar Melaku

Antonio Melendez

Wesley Mercer

Michael Matthew Miller

Charles M. Mills

Richard Miuccio

Boyie Mohammed

Steven P. Morello

Vincent S. Morello

Leonel Morocho

Christopher M. Morrison

Mark Motroni

Peter C. Moutos

Brian Joseph Murphy

Kevin James Murphy

Patrick Sean Murphy

Susan D. Murray

Richard Todd Myhre

Alexander J.R. Napier

Mario Nardone

Karen S. Navarro

Francis J. Nazario

Glenroy Neblett

Laurence Nedell

Gerard Terence Nevins

Martin Niederer

Daniel R. Nolan

Daniela R. Notaro

Jeffrey Nussbaum

James P. O’Brien

Michael O’Brien

Richard J. O’Connor

Samuel Oitice

Jeffrey J. Olsen

Peter J. O’Neill

Margaret Orloske

Robert W. O’Shea

Isidro Ottenwalder

Michael Ou

Jesus Ovalles

Alan N. Palumbo

James W. Parham

Gye-Hyong Park

Philip L. Parker

Michael A. Parkes

Horace Robert Passananti

Avnish Ramanbhai Patel

James R. Paul

Thomas E. Pedicini

Todd D. Pelino

Salvatore Pepe

Ivan Perez

Franklin Allan Pershep

William Russel Peterson

Kaleen E. Pezzuti

Tu-Anh Phan

Susan Elizabeth Ancona Pinto

Joseph Plumitallo

Steve Pollicino

Edward F. Pullis

Edward R. Pykon

Lars P. Qualben

Christopher Peter A. Racaniello

Leonard Ragaglia

Eugene J. Raggio

Peter F. Raimondi

Vishnoo Ramsaroop

Gregory Reda

Donald J. Regan

Timothy E. Reilly

Richard Rescorla

Eileen Rice

Kenneth F. Rice

Venesha O. Richards

John M. Rigo

Theresa “Ginger” Risco

Jeffrey Robinson

Gregory E. Rodriguez

Marsha A. Rodriguez

Richard David Rosenthal

Joanne Rubino

Susan Ann Ruggiero

Steven Harris Russin

Edward Ryan

Matthew L. Ryan

Brock Safronoff

John Patrick Salamone

Richard L. Salinardi

Paul R. Salvio

Samuel R. Salvo

Hugo Sanay-Perafiel

Alva J. Sanchez

Stacey Leigh Sanders

James Sands

Susan G. Santo

Rafael Humberto Santos

John Sbarbaro

Michelle Scarpitta

John A. Schardt

Fred Claude Scheffold

Scott M. Schertzer

Steven Francis Schlag

Frank G. Schott

Edward W. Schunk

Jason Sekzer

Howard Selwyn

Khalid M. Shahid

Mohammed Shajahan

Gary Shamay

Robert J. Shay

Atsushi Shiratori

Mark Shulman

Dianne T. Signer

Gregory Sikorsky

Nasima H. Simjee

Edward Simmons

Arthur Simon

Vincent R. Slavin

Catherine T. Smith

Karl Trumbull Smith

Leon Smith

Bonnie S. Smithwick

Astrid Elizabeth Sohan

Daniel W. Song

Maynard S. Spence

Robert Andrew Spencer

William E. Spitz

Joseph P. Spor

Saranya Srinuan

Michael F. Stabile

Gregory M. Stajk

Mary D. Stanley

Jeffrey Stark

Eric T. Steen

Alexander Robbins Steinman

Andrew Stergiopoulos

Michael J. Stewart

Lonny J. Stone

Jimmy Nevill Storey

Steven F. Strobert

Claudia Suzette Sutton

John F. Swaine

Thomas F. Swift

Norma C. Taddei

Phyllis Talbot

Paul Talty

Maurita Tam

Rachel Tamares

Ronald Tartaro

Dorothy Temple

Brian J. Terrenzi

Goumatie Thackurdeen

Clive Thompson

Glenn Thompson

Nigel Bruce Thompson

John Patrick Tierney

Scott C. Timmes

Robert Frank Tipaldi

John J. Tipping

Christopher M. Traina

Glenn J. Travers

Zhanetta Tsoy

Jennifer Tzemis

Mayra Valdes-Rodriguez

Ivan Vale

Santos Valentin

Carlton F. Valvo

Lawrence Veling

David Vera

Matthew Gilbert Vianna

Robert A. Vicario

Joseph B. Vilardo

Lynette D. Vosges

Jeffrey Patrick Walz

James A. Waring

Charles Waters

Walter E. Weaver

Scott Jeffrey Weingard

Whitfield West

John S. White

Wayne White

Mark Whitford

Allison M. Wildman

Alan L. Wisniewski

Frank T. Wisniewski

Jennifer Y. Wong

Jenny Seu Kueng Low Wong

Yin Ping “Steven” Wong

Yuk Ping Wong

Martin M. Wortley

Myrna Yaskulka

Jacqueline “Jakki” Young

Robert Alan Zampieri

Michael Joseph Zinzi


Max Beilke

Angelene C. Carter

Sheila Hein

Molly McKenzie

Martha Reszke

Cecelia E. Richard

Meta L. Waller

Marvin R. Woods


Compiled from lists provided by Associated Press, the coroner’s office of New York City and the Department of Defense
