
Two Cents’ Worth of Tips for the Thrifty Traveler

A general money-saving travel tip can often be more valuable than a specific discount or bargain offer. Here are some that might save you a little cash:

Air fares outside the box: Even if you are interested only in round-trip air fare, not an air-and-land package, consider contacting a tour company that offers packages to your destination. Though many do not advertise it, nearly all are willing to sell air fare only, and many offer advantageous ones. As an example, Sceptre Tours, (800) 221-0924,, known for its Ireland packages, will also sell discounted air fares to Ireland to independent travelers who request them.

Eurodeals: Several major travel companies in the United States are subsidiaries or affiliates of British or European companies that offer lower prices to their own citizens for identical products. E-mail them, and you may discover that they will accept your reservation. Same hotels, same itinerary.


For golf groupies: By volunteering at a PGA tournament, you’ll receive cut-rate tickets to watch the top pros. One hundred such tournaments take place each year in the U.S., Australia, Japan and Britain. And each uses volunteers for such tasks as taking tickets, quieting the crowds when players are putting and other tasks. A half-day’s work usually earns a half-day’s attendance at the tournament. Call the PGA at (904) 285-3700,, and ask for the volunteer coordinator.

Theme park scheme: You can obtain admission discounts to virtually any theme park in the country by purchasing tickets through In some cases the per-person reduction is just a few dollars, but the savings add up for groups of several people. Discounts are somewhat larger at the many U.S. theme parks outside Florida.

Taxi for two: When you’ve arrived at an airport and joined a taxi line for the ride downtown or to your home, it’s both proper and socially responsible to ask someone standing near you whether he or she would like to share the cab. If you’re going to locations near each other, you can save as much as 50% by cab sharing.


Midweek fare watch: For some of the cheapest air fares in the U.S., log on to the Southwest Airlines Web site ( between Tuesdays and Thursdays. Late every Tuesday, Southwest announces its specials for the coming week; the listings are removed on Thursdays.

Friend ship: Round up eight couples for a cruise, and your own cabin will be free. Nearly every cruise line will provide a free cruise to the seller of eight cabins on the same sailing. Contact GalaxSea, a well-experienced cruise travel agency, at (800) 662-5450, https://www, for assistance.

Savings in the bag: Taking a supply of locking plastic bags can save you money by allowing you to carry your own food. Packaged cheeses, fruit and other items--often obtainable at your hotel’s free breakfast buffet--can provide snacks, lunches or hors d’oeuvres in your room. The plastic bags are also useful for restaurant leftovers.


Clothes for the road: For inexpensive travel clothing and gear, try Sierra Trading Post (https://www.sierra It has closeouts, seconds and irregulars for which the prices can be remarkable.

Sleeping on the cheap, Part I: Driving through any area of the United States, your least expensive suitable lodgings will usually be found in and around towns that have low costs for residential housing. According to, the towns with the lowest cost of living in America (including food and transportation) are Bakersfield; Springfield and Rockford, Ill.; Kokomo, Ind.; Wilmington, Del.; Fort Walton Beach and Tallahassee, Fla.; and the Vineland-Millville-Bridgeton area of New Jersey (near Philadelphia).

Sleeping on the cheap, Part II: To find a bargain-basement motel when you drive across the country, steer clear of chain properties on the interstate. Instead, drive to one of the cheaper mom-and-pop places that have done business for years on the old highway that the interstate replaced.

Don’t get soaked: Schedule visits to recreational water parks for later in the afternoon. Most of the big water parks cut their entrance fees considerably if you show up later in the day. Example: At Adventure Island in Tampa, Fla., you can save $7 per ticket after 3 p.m.
