
Energy Security

Thanks to Bill McKibben for getting real information out on our nation’s energy security (“One Guy, One Rifle and an Oil Pipeline,” Commentary, Oct. 21). Much more oil is available on Alaska’s North Slope outside the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge than inside it. The U.S., which holds less than 3% of the world’s oil reserves, cannot produce its way to oil security so long as it continues to consume 26% of the world’s oil production. The U.S. risks greater dependence on foreign oil, along with severe economic and military risks, the faster that our tiny, domestic oil reserves are drawn down.

Alaska can continue making a 5% contribution to American oil consumption for at least 30 more years without drilling the controversial Arctic refuge. The only remaining options for American energy security are conservation and shifts to nonfossil fuels.

Jim Sykes

Founder, Oilwatch Alaska Palmer, Alaska
