
Dead Deer Found in McDonald’s Restroom a Mystery for Police

Associated Press

McDonald’s employees found a dead deer under a sink in the men’s bathroom, and police were trying to figure out how it got there.

“I am taking this matter very seriously,” owner Larry Smith said Tuesday. “The safety of my restaurant, employees and customers are among my highest priorities and will never be compromised.”

Manager Jeff Moss told police he couldn’t figure out how someone could get the deer inside the restaurant without someone noticing. He also said surveillance video cameras, which are aimed at the cash registers, didn’t record the incident.


The police report did not state the deer’s size or how it was killed and moved into the McDonald’s. Employees reported finding the doe Sunday morning.

“Whoever brought it in probably did it while the workers were there,” said police Capt. Carl Blake. “There were no signs of forced entry.”

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is also investigating.

“A dead deer on the side of the road isn’t an unusual sight, especially at this time of year,” said commission spokesman Len Pitcock. “We think somebody could have hit the deer and then somebody decided to play a prank.”
