
Terror Is Terror Wherever It Strikes

Re “Israel Intensifies Assault on Palestinians,” Oct. 21: The first obligation of any government is to protect its citizens. Arab countries arranged for and lost three wars against Israel, a duly authorized state, yet Palestinian militants persist with their announced goal of driving all Jews into the sea. Attempting appeasement, Ehud Barak offered to give much of his land to Palestine, but Yasser Arafat, the “peace-loving” terrorist, refused to accept it, preferring the alternative. So his “brave” fighters continue to explode bombs in innocent crowds and shoot their guns from behind protesting children, and TV rewards them by filming them. Now the media will have an opportunity to film a government as it carries out its primary duty.

Wayne C. Irwin



The Israelis have finally achieved what the Nazis could not. They drew blood at Bethlehem (Oct. 21), the birthplace of the ultimate man of peace, Jesus. They are killing for their own religious gain. It is a sad day for us all.

Tim Ashford

Culver City


If the U.S. were really fighting a war on terrorism, American tanks would be rolling into the West Bank alongside Israeli tanks. We’d be fighting against Palestinian terrorists who attack innocent Israelis on an almost daily basis. Instead, our State Department tells Israel that its actions are not helpful and should be halted.


President Bush tells the nations of the world that they are either with us or against us. What he really means is, “Get out of our way or you are against us.” It’s the some old pre-Sept. 11 unilateralism, only in disguise.

Russell Stone

Los Angeles
