
Group Alleges Theft of Recall Petitions


The voter recall instructions seem simple enough: Gather at least 10 signatures of registered voters, serve a copy of the notice to the targeted elected official, and give the original to the city clerk.

But even that seemingly straightforward process has ignited controversy in an ongoing political battle in South Gate.

Two days after residents served recall petitions to three City Council members at a meeting, the top election official, Carmen Avalos, still doesn’t have the originals and has accused City Atty. Salvador Alva of stealing them.


Police are investigating but now find themselves criticized by those who question how they can do that when they’re sponsoring the recall.

Alva’s attorney, James E. Blancarte, has asked the state attorney general’s office to review whether a conflict of interest exists. If so, he wants that office to handle the investigation.

Blancarte said Alva didn’t steal the documents. He said the recall organizers mistakenly gave them to Alva during the meeting and that Alva didn’t forward them to the clerk because he was “maybe overly cautious” due to the volatile situation.


“When you have so many competing political agendas, he [Alva] has to rise above the fray and see what the obligation is to the city,” Blancarte said. “You’re never going to please everyone in that political environment.”

Blancarte said Alva will return the petitions to the organizers.

Avalos says the city attorney “snatched” the documents from her and then left the building. Avalos is responsible for filing the petition with the registrar of voters.

The police unions and their supporters want to oust Treasurer Albert Robles, Mayor Raul Moriel, Vice Mayor Xochilt Ruvalcaba and Councilwoman Maria Benavides. The officials, they say, have orchestrated a sham selection process to fill the police deputy chief position with a political ally.


Alva, they say, took the documents because he is beholden to those officials and is trying to obstruct the recall process.

“He’s interfering with the legal process, with the job of the clerk, who is legally required to have custody of those papers,” said Sylvia Kellison, the unions’ attorney.

Police Lt. Martin Van Lierop said that if the two investigators assigned to the probe find evidence of wrongdoing, they will forward the case to the district attorney’s office.
