
2-Year Kindergarten: Too Much or Too Little?

Re “Struggling District Ponders 2nd Year of Kindergarten,” Oct. 22:

Is it not enough that right now we educate children who are not U.S. citizens? Now they want two years of kindergarten? We are never going to get our priorities in order. We should really be cleaning “our house” of all undocumented residents and tightening up our borders. We should not pick on any one group, but for the protection of America and all its citizens, anyone residing in this country for any length of time should be here legally and should be monitored. Every day is bringing a new threat to our way of life.

Margaret Chard

San Juan Capistrano


If we as taxpayers have to cough up additional taxes, mostly due to the fact that these children don’t speak English, I think their parents should have to join them in class. If their parents would bother to learn English and speak it at home, maybe this cycle would be broken.

Mike Krieg

Trabuco Canyon
