
Painting the Sign: ‘How Very Hollywood’

Re “Patriotic Paint Job Proposed for a Landmark,” Oct. 27: How frivolous, how petty, how very Hollywood! Instead of painting the Hollywood sign, why doesn’t the city spend this money on something that would be a much more profound expression of our patriotism? Why doesn’t it donate the money to the various organizations that give support to many of the veterans this ridiculous project is purportedly honoring? There are thousands of homeless and otherwise disadvantaged veterans in this city who could use some help.

If the City Council is unable to restrain its urge to employ an ad-campaign version of patriotism, why not at least supply red, white and blue blankets to those in need?

Roger Bowers

Los Angeles

Leave the Hollywood sign alone. It is patriotic just being there. Would you paint the White House red, white and blue?


Marge Klugman

Los Angeles

Councilman Eric Garcetti’s suggestion for painting the Hollywood sign demeans both the flag and the sign. Our love for America could better be expressed with dignity and on a permanent basis by displaying a large American flag on a flagpole at the top of Mt. Lee, high above the sign. This was proposed on Sept. 24, by us, to the Recreation and Parks general manager.

Universal Studios may cover the cost of painting, but the taxpayers of Los Angeles will have to pay the cost of additional security and the local residents for cleanup and disorderly conduct damage.

The sign is in the 4th District. It was unfortunate that Garcetti did not discuss his plans with newly elected Councilman Tom LaBonge or the local residents prior to his bowing to the wishes of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.


Henry J. Pinczower

Member, Hollywood Sign Advisory Committee; Past Pres., Hollywoodland Homeowners Assn.
