
Superior Education Must Include All

“Superior education” for the next 200 years should not be a reparation for slavery to African Americans (Commentary, Sept. 3). How is slavery affecting the poor physical conditions of the inner-city schools? It is owed to public schools and all the children who attend them to have the most qualified teachers, special training for teachers, one-on-one tutoring, etc., not just the schools that are highly populated with African Americans.

Being an African American college student, I am a product of these inner-city schools, and I think success is in the mind of the student. No matter how high-tech a school might be or how many credentials a teacher may have, if the child has no motivation then he or she will not succeed. Superior education as a reparation is not a solution for the failing rate of African American children in school. The fight for superiority should stop and the fight for equality should begin.

Season Barnette

