
Contaminants Close Catalina Public School

The lone public school on Santa Catalina Island has been closed indefinitely because traces of toxic contaminants--including lead and dioxin--have been found in the playground soil, a spokesman said.

Dick Van Der Laan, a spokesman for the Long Beach Unified School District, which administers Avalon School, said the toxins were discovered when construction crews dug trenches for new utility lines as part of efforts to renovate the 1924 school.

A Christian fellowship camp, Campus-by-the-Sea, has offered space for classes for the 230 high school students. The 330 elementary students and 180 middle school students will be housed at properties owned by Santa Catalina Island Co., local churches and a hotel.


Van Der Laan said the California Department of Toxic Substances Control met Tuesday afternoon to discuss further testing and assess the extent of the removal effort.

“It could be weeks, or possibly even months,” before the work is completed and the school can reopen, he said.
