
Visit but Don’t Stay

I moved to the Seattle area a year ago from Rancho Cucamonga, and as you said in “Seattle Still Rocks” (Jan. 6), it’s a great place to visit. But let me share some points about living here:

* It’s the clouds, not the rain. The clouds look like dull tinfoil. Day in. Day out. I’ve lost my sunglasses, and I don’t care.

* Sometimes the smog gets thick in the winter. So many people are burning wood in fireplaces that officials have to call for a “burn ban.”


* There’s one major freeway. One. And lots of single commuters.

Really, you’ll enjoy a visit. See the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, the great bookstores and high-class restaurants.

But return to California after your stay is up. You won’t regret it.


Edmonds, Wash.
