
Taking a Stand or Running for Governor?

Republican pollster and lay Mormon Bishop Gary Lawrence says that Republican candidate for governor Richard Riordan should learn from the Mormons (Commentary, Feb. 27). Bad-mouthing other churches, he says that the Mormons have discovered that you gain adherents by standing firm for something, not by watering down your beliefs.

Lawrence apparently has forgotten that only a few years ago the Mormons changed their beliefs to allow blacks into their priesthood, and long ago they changed their beliefs and outlawed plural marriage. Those were rather distinctive beliefs that the Mormons changed in order to get with the times.

Samuel Platts



Yessiree! What we need are Republican candidates who support their party’s platform with the absolute conviction of a Mormon. No wimpy, wobbly legged candidates for us. No sir! Compromise is for sissies.


Better yet, what we need are Republican candidates with the iron-willed religious fervor of Mullah Mohammed Omar and his Taliban adherents. Now there’s the kind of like-minded conviction that gets things done. God help us!

Tom Higgins

Granada Hills


Gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon looks like a certain mild-mannered reporter from the Daily Planet, Clark Kent. Is there a big red S under his shirt? Nah, couldn’t be. But Riordan and Bill Jones might be smart to stock up on kryptonite just in case.

Landon Erickson

