
Not Many People Knew This Side of Tark

As a staff writer for The Times several years ago, I was assigned to do a feature story on the Nevada Las Vegas basketball program under Jerry Tarkanian. In addition to Tarkanian, I had wanted to interview the Rebels’ star player, Sidney Green.

Green failed to show for a scheduled interview and Tarkanian was crestfallen and apologized. A week later, I received a letter from Green, saying he was sorry he had missed the interview and said it would not happen again.

It’s timely to remember this story as Tarkanian retired last week. The rap against Tark was always that he’d do anything to win and suit up any player to that end. But Tark clearly loved his players and did everything he could to prepare them for life after basketball. His lessons of responsibility with Green must have done some good. Green, of course, coached his team, Florida Atlantic, into the NCAAs for the first time--the same week Tarkanian hung up his towel.


Pete Donovan

Palm Desert
