
Europe Is Not Anti-American

Re “Traveling Under the Shadow of Anti-Americanism,” Commentary, May 23:

I wish to take exception to the isolationist drivel masquerading as commentary by Norah Vincent. What anti-Americanism? What I found in the two months my family and I spent last year in Britain and France was that Americans are envied, enjoyed and imitated. What was also clear in conversations and opinion pieces in newspapers was European outrage at the arrogance of George W. Bush with his blithe, and apparently ignorant, disregard of any form of international cooperation. And for her to see something “ugly brewing in Europe” sounds pretty silly on the day after the guilty verdict in Birmingham, Ala., which took us almost 40 years to achieve.

Nick Ullett

Los Angeles


If Vincent thinks Americans touring Europe encounter hostility, she should try touring as an Israeli.

Jonathan D. Safren

Kefar-Sava, Israel
